
Number of Employees: 860

Corporate Wellness Assessment Dashboard

Average WIS Profile Score: 0.0
Average WIS Profile Score: 0.0

Spiritual Well-being

Average: 0.0

Social Well-being

Average: 0.0

Emotional Well-being

Average: 0.0

Occupational Well-being

Average: 0.0

Intellectual Well-being

Average: 0.0

Environmental Well-being

Average: 0.0

Financial Well-being

Average: 0.0

Physical Well-being

Average: 0.0

Interpersonal Well-being

Average: 0.0

Wellness Competency Alignment


Average: 0.0


Average: 0.0

Wellness Competency Alignment

Responsible Communication

Average: 0.0


Average: 0.0

Wellness Competency Alignment


Average: 0.0
Average: 0.0

Wellness Competency Alignment


Average: 0.0
Average: 0.0

Wellness Competency Alignment

Capacity Building

Average: 0.0
Average: 0.0

Wellness Competency Alignment


Average: 0.0
Average: 0.0

Wellness Competency Alignment


Average: 0.0
Average: 0.0

Wellness Competency Alignment


Average: 0.0
Average: 0.0

Wellness Competency Alignment


Average: 0.0
Average: 0.0


Average: 0.0
Average: 0.0

Your Wellness Improvement System® Assessment Report

Report Summary and Overview 

How WIS® Assessment Works

The WIS® Assessment measures 27 psychosocial categories that combine 9 dimensions and 12 well-being competencies. They reflect Leadership, Team, and Individual well-being, providing insight on Resilience, Agility, Relational and System path to thriving and well-being.

YOUR Results

Click a dimension below to learn more about your scores.

Spiritual Well-being Score

Social WELL-BEING Score

Emotional WELL-BEING Score

Occupational WELL-BEING Score

Intellectual WELL-BEING Score

Environmental WELL-BEING Score

Financial WELL-BEING Score

Physical WELL-BEING Score

Interpersonal WELL-BEING score




Interpreting Your Well-being Report 

This document will explain the well-being report, providing a deeper understanding of the various competencies and dimensions of well-being. It breaks down the levels of wellness associated with each competency, as gauged by the numerical scores. This detailed overview will offer valuable insights into how best to address and support strategic well-being needs in the present and future.

Well-being Dimension Profile Score Range – Wellness Levels

Wellness Competency Profile - Interpretation

Wellness Level 8

Score Range: 9 – 10

Optimal Wellness – Congratulations!

You have attained the pinnacle of wellness! There is high competency alignment in this realm that radiates vibrant energy, boosting your life and work achievements. Celebrate this fantastic accomplishment and consider exploring new horizons to expand your expertise. Take some time to celebrate and acknowledge your achievements.

Wellness Level 7
Score Range: 8 – 9

Success Wellness

You are mastering wellness success, positively influencing each other with your positive, energetic presence. Recognize your strengths and identify areas for further growth. Remember, the journey of self-improvement and well-being never ends – embrace it! Consider the other areas where you can work and plan to reassess in 90 days.

Wellness Level 6
Score Range: 7 – 8

Achieved Wellness

Strong Foundations! You have a solid base of wellness, but there's room to grow. Pinpoint those life areas needing a boost and set goals to reach new wellness heights. The journey to optimal wellness is well underway!

Wellness Level 5
Score Range: 6 – 7

Moderate Wellness

Growing Steadily! You have a good path but not quite there yet. Acknowledge your progress and focus on those aspects that need nurturing. Consider providing competency teaching for an area or two you want to work on in the next quarter.

Wellness Level 4
Score Range: 5 – 6

Borderline Wellness

Balancing Act! You are at a wellness crossroads. It's crucial to reassess and realign. Design a 90-day plan and dive into the competency teachings for that much-needed boost!

Wellness Level 3
Score Range: 4 – 5

Diminishing Wellness

Caution Ahead! Your wellness compass needs recalibrating. It's time to make pivotal changes and deepen your alignment with core well-being competencies. Start with small, meaningful steps. Make a list of things you can change and identify one way to strengthen a deeper competency alignment.

Wellness Level 2
Score Range: 3 – 4

Disrupted Wellness

Time for a Reset! Your wellness journey is going the wrong way. It's vital to shift focus to rebuild your foundational competencies. Issues like low trust, low collaboration and poor leadership engagement may be plaguing the team, thus disrupting your scores and causing misalignment with core wellness competencies. Time to consider wellness competency training and well-being coaching for the team.

Wellness Level 1
Score Range: 1 – 3

Wellness Deficit

Immediate Attention Needed! You are experiencing a significant disconnect at work and in your life. Much work needs to be done to support you personally and professionally. This deficit can lead to feeling overwhelmed, burnout, mental health issues and interpersonal conflicts. It's crucial to address interpersonal assessment and training to raise awareness of their impact on others and embark on a path of proactive, positive change.

Your energy flow and value alignment to core well-being competencies must be attained. Your scores are now in a wellness deficit. Begin by identifying the areas where your scores need improvement and conduct well-being coaching sessions for deeper connection, personal development, and skill development.

Spiritual Dimension

The spiritual dimension, pivotal to the well-being intelligence system, represents the core of our being, driving passion and energy. It involves self-awareness, aligning values with actions, and harmonizing inner spirituality with the external world. This dimension is crucial for finding life’s meaning, connecting with a higher power, and fostering hope and purpose. It shapes our beliefs, integrity, identity, and core values, influencing our sense of balance and how we are perceived by others, thus impacting social interactions.

Competency – Integrity

In this dimension, we focus on integrity, ranging from level 1 to 8 in well-being competency. Your score indicates the extent to which you demonstrate integrity in daily life and interactions. Living with integrity involves aligning actions with values. Our values, informed by beliefs, culture, religion, and social interactions, guide our choices and lifestyles. Adherence to these values enhances personal integrity, balance, self-esteem, and overall well-being. The closer we align with our true values, the more we experience life positively and impact our relationships with others.


Key life area categories within this dimension provide a framework for understanding how these aspects relate to every facet of your life and relationships. These categories offer a perspective for deeper engagement with the dimension, though they may be classified differently in other contexts.

The Categories are:

  • Integrity with Self
  • Integrity with Others
  • Integrity with a Supreme Being

Social Dimension

The Social Wellness Dimension evaluates your ability to effectively interact within your social circle, underscoring the fundamental human need for socialization. It encompasses a range of relationships including those with friends, family, colleagues, and community members, and assesses your skill in managing these varied interpersonal connections. Stephen Joyce, in his work "Teaching the Anthill to Fetch," emphasizes the importance of efficiently utilizing the energy and resources in these networks. He notes that negative assumptions can often impede deeper involvement in our networks, thus limiting access to potential opportunities in our lives.

Social Wellness Competency – Responsible Communication

Responsible communication involves adhering to the cultural norms of various groups, whether in the workplace, social circles, clubs, or religious communities. It is crucial to understand these cultural dynamics and strategize communication to minimize interpersonal conflicts. Groups often observe new members before acceptance, making it essential to communicate in a way that aligns with how you wish to be perceived and achieve your intended outcomes. This competency focuses on using the energy of your network effectively for positive social outcomes and success.


The key life area categories within the Social Wellness Dimension offer a framework for deeper understanding and engagement. While these categories provide one approach to classifying life areas, they may vary in other contexts. Their purpose is to enhance the meaning and depth you derive from each life area in relation to all aspects of your life and relationships.

The Categories are:

  • Communication with Self
  • Communication with Your Network
  • Communication Skills

Emotional Dimension

Emotional Wellness is anchored in self-mastery, an essential competency for managing emotions and enhancing wellness in all life aspects. This dimension centers on the ability to understand, scrutinize, and regulate your thoughts and attitudes, thereby guiding your emotional responses. High emotional fitness is key to living in alignment with your values and sustaining balanced social interactions. Self-mastery, as a crucial component of emotional wellness, empowers you to direct your life and relationships. Your score in this dimension reflects your current proficiency in self-mastery and emotional regulation, serving as a starting point for further development and enriching the emotional wellness within your relationships.

What is Self-Mastery?

Self-mastery involves a deep connection with oneself and one's life choices, dedicating time for critical thinking about decisions, and evaluating your actions and self-reflection. It means distinguishing your identity from your emotions and acknowledging that you are a complete individual with a spectrum of emotional experiences. It entails comparing your life's outcomes with your set goals to gauge your control over your emotions and their influence on your decisions. Developing emotional fitness is a proactive journey towards self-mastery.


The key life area categories within the Emotional Wellness Dimension provide a structure for a more profound understanding and engagement. While this approach offers one way to classify these life areas, they can be viewed differently in other contexts. The intention is to enhance the significance and depth extracted from each life area in relation to every aspect of your life and relationships. 

The Categories are:

  • Emotional Pain
  • Emotional Imbalance
  • Emotional Mastery

Occupational Dimension

Occupation is an area where you demonstrate engagement. It encompasses your competencies, commitment, and success in achieving work-related tasks and objectives. This dimension reflects your ability to perform tasks, problem-solve, develop strategic skills, and find personal satisfaction in your occupation. It offers significant opportunities for personal challenges and growth, moving beyond personal relationships to emphasize the importance of contributing through professional endeavours.

Occupational Wellness Competency – Engagement

Engagement in the workplace is akin to the commitment and devotion one shows in personal relationships. It's the expression of dedication to one's occupation, evident in the meticulousness and passion with which professional responsibilities are approached. Examples can be seen in police officers diligently polishing their boots, sailors expressing their love for the sea, or nurses treating patients with utmost care. This level of commitment is reflected in their deep engagement with their professional duties.

What is Engagement?

Engagement means immersing oneself deeply and becoming committed to an aspect of work. It involves being captivated or absorbed by specific tasks or roles. While not everyone may be enthralled by their jobs, most can identify aspects of their work that deeply interest them. This kind of engagement leads to expanding knowledge and a higher capability for excellent performance, easing supervisory and leadership challenges, and making work more enjoyable. Engaged employees tend to work harder, going beyond basic responsibilities, and continuously seek ways to solve problems and enhance their professionalism.


The key life area categories within the Occupational Wellness Dimension provide a structure for a more profound understanding of engagement. While this approach offers one way to classify these life areas, they can be viewed differently in other contexts. The intention is to enhance the significance and depth extracted from each life area in relation to every aspect of your life and relationships.

The Categories are: 

  • Occupational Skills
  • Occupational Engagement
  • Occupational Experience

Intellectual Dimension

The Intellectual Wellness dimension focuses on recognizing and enhancing your capacity for wellness and excellence. It involves understanding your current intellectual abilities and exploring ways to expand them for greater success. This dimension is closely linked to brain function. Current neuroscience research suggests that we use only about 15% of our brain's capacity, implying that many people do not fully utilize this organ's potential. Your scores in this dimension indicate how much of your brain capacity you are currently using, offering insights into maximizing the use of this remarkable organ.

Intellectual Wellness Competency – Capacity Building

Building capacity means acquiring new knowledge, skills, abilities, ideas, and perspectives and gaining personal power and confidence. Enhancing your intellectual capacity can be achieved by learning a new skill, taking a class, adopting a new hobby, or engaging in any activity that broadens your knowledge and skills. The aim is to boost your knowledge and self-confidence and advance your understanding in areas that offer more freedom and growth opportunities.


These key life area categories within the Intellectual Wellness Dimension provide a framework for deeper understanding. While this approach to classification is one way to view these life areas, they can be interpreted differently in other contexts. The purpose is to enhance the significance and depth you derive from each area in relation to all aspects of your life and relationships.

The Categories are:

  • Intellectual Capacity
  • Intellectual Wisdom
  • Intellectual Development

Environmental Dimension

The Environmental Wellness Dimension examines your interaction and harmony with the people and things in your environment, highlighting the concept of interdependence. focusing on whether you live in harmony or resistance to reality. It underscores the need for acceptance and reconciliation with various environmental aspects. Those who achieve balance and embrace their environment exhibit a strong sense of interdependence. They understand the limits of their control, focusing their efforts where they can make the most impact with minimal resistance.

This dimension challenges the counterproductive nature of constant struggle and resistance, which can sap vital energy. It advocates accepting the unchangeable and capitalizing on the universe's myriad opportunities. Effective cooperation requires adapting to new situations, people, and realities and actively contributing to the community and universe. The aim of this dimension is to heighten awareness and cultivate a daily sense of appreciation and gratitude.

Environmental Wellness Competency – Interdependence

Our existence is fundamentally interdependent. We depend on our environment for essentials like oxygen and on the sun and moon for natural rhythms. Despite our vast interdependence, many cultivate a mindset of independence and selfishness, leading to environmental disrespect and social conflicts. This attitude fosters greed, envy, and jealousy, leading to resentment and negative actions. A lack of social consciousness and ignorance of our impact on others are common. By living respectfully and treating our environment and others with dignity, we can contribute positively. This involves giving back and replacing what we use. While individual efforts might seem small, collectively, they have the potential to affect global change.


The key life area categories within the Environmental Wellness Dimension offer a way to understand and engage more deeply with this aspect. While this is one approach to categorizing these areas, different perspectives may apply in other contexts. The goal is to enhance the relevance and depth you find in each area, relating them to every aspect of your life and relationships.

The Categories are:

  • Environmental Interdependence
  • Relationship Interdependence
  • Environmental Well-being

Financial Dimension

This dimension shifts the focus to financial wellness, advocating for a revaluation of resource utilization, particularly in terms of money and time. It calls for an honest appraisal of your resource management skills, highlighting the necessity of long-term planning, prioritization, and budgeting. Financial wellness is not just about wealth accumulation but involves the ability to meet financial obligations, accumulate equity, save, and invest wisely in personal and professional growth. The amount of money you have will not make you happy, but how your finances will determine your happiness level.

It also includes mastering efficient time management and networking, as well as establishing a savings plan for financial security. Enhanced wellness in this area positively affects all aspects of your life, enabling you to live genuinely and confidently, free from the stress of overextension and financial worries. This dimension guides you to reevaluate your financial strategies, leading to a more developing innovation and financial wisdom for a fulfilling and less burdensome life.

Financial Wellness Competency – Innovation

Innovation is key to achieving financial wellness. While often equated with monetary accumulation, financial wellness here extends to innovative and creative management of time and resources. Being innovative means tapping into one's creative potential. Many miss the opportunity to develop this potential due to fears and doubts that hinder the realization of ideas and earning potential. These fears can result in lost income and unexplored ideas. Overcoming these fears, coupled with effective planning and prioritization, can unlock significant financial opportunities.


The following key life area categories provide a framework for understanding your financial wisdom, management, and resilience. These categories aim to help you adopt your financial wisdom and resilience to match your innovative financial abilities.

The Categories are:

  • Financial Wisdom
  • Financial Innovation
  • Financial Resilience

Physical Dimension

Physical wellness is a key aspiration and is more than just the absence of illness or addiction; it represents a comprehensive state of health where the body, as an expression of internal well-being, thrives and functions optimally. Achieving this wellness involves active participation in nurturing and enhancing all aspects of life.

Physical wellness includes a lifestyle devoid of detrimental addictions and behaviours that sustain healthy energy and endurance. This state of wellness not only benefits your health but also positively influences others with its dynamic and lively nature. Your assessment in this dimension mirrors your perception of your physical well-being and progress toward optimal health and vitality. Recognizing your current state is a vital step in setting and achieving your health goals.

Competency - Vibrancy

Vibrancy is about being full of life, enthusiasm, and energy. It's a call to action against modern life's sedentary tendencies. Vibrancy requires self-motivation, robust stamina, and an active lifestyle nourished by a balanced diet and proper body care. It also means the absence of addictive behaviours and tendencies that can diminish your health.

In this context, wellness signifies maintaining vitality, endurance, and a life free from debilitating conditions. It involves actively pursuing choices that enhance your well-being and avoiding those that diminish your energy and strength. It is also vigilance against harmful habits that compromise health and stamina. Remember, your appearance and presentation also contribute to your vibrancy.


These categories are just one way of classifying these key life areas and can be categorized differently in other spheres. They are intended to give you a way to get more meaning and depth from the key life areas in this dimension and how they relate to you in every aspect of your life and relationship.

The Categories are:

  • Physical Activities
  • Physical Care and Nutrition
  • Physical Resilience

Interpersonal Dimension

The Interpersonal Dimension of well-being evaluates the quality of your interactions and relationships. It focuses on minimizing conflict, which is essential for deriving high satisfaction from meaningful relationships. This dimension assesses your capability to manage disruptions and establish resilient connections. High scores reflect proficiency in conflict resolution, resilience, negotiation, forgiveness, collaboration, and teamwork. Conversely, low scores, particularly in resilience, highlight the need for personal and organizational enhancement in these crucial interpersonal skills.

Competency - Resilience

Resilience is the capacity to recover from challenging situations, trauma, or difficulties. It's a proactive skill developed in anticipation of potential setbacks. This competency promotes the cultivation of a supportive network of relationships, aiding and encouraging recovery and growth during and after challenging periods.


These key life area categories offer a means to understand the interpersonal dimension more deeply. While this method of classification is one approach, these life areas can be categorized differently in other contexts. The intention is to enrich the significance and depth of each area, relating them to every facet of your life and relationships.

The Categories are:

  • Relationship with Self
  • Relationship with Others
  • Interpersonal Skills

Wellbeing Competency Coaching

As you assess your scores, be aware that there is potential for enhancement in all areas through targeted competency coaching from a certified well-being facilitator to understand the categories best and recommend a competency development plan.

To support this, we offer a complimentary well-being coaching session with each purchased report. This session is designed to help you align your objectives and plan your steps forward in growth and development.

We encourage you to contact us to discuss these future steps and how we can work together to advance your well-being over the next 90 days.

Our team is ready to connect you with a certified well-being competency coach to facilitate this journey.

Assessment Information

About The Wellness Improvement System® (WIS) 

Since its inception in 2010, the WIS® Assessment has been informing individuals, organizations, congregations, and communities with the intelligence to adopt a culture of well-being in their lives and workplaces with compelling results. It underpins the Well-being Intelligence Curriculum™, establishing a global benchmark for holistic human development and capacity enhancement in well-being.

Type of Assessment: Psychosocial Well-being, Competency Development, Relational Resilience. 

Format: The WIS® Assessment comprises 180 questions, the results of which are articulated through 27 psychosocial well-being scales. These scales coalesce into 9 distinct dimensions of well-being, further delineating twelve competencies integral to human development. These competencies include Integrity, Responsible Communication, Self-Mastery, Engagement, Capacity Building, Interdependence, Innovation, Vibrancy, Resilience, Vision, Belonging, and Attending. 

Data Security: We adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) guidelines for all our assessments as per our privacy policy. 

Assessment Uses: This assessment has been used to develop Teams, Leaders, Organizational Benchmarks for Culture Change, Community and Congregational Benchmarks, and Development Strategies. 

Training Requirements: All facilitators must be WIS® Wellness Facilitators and have Well-being Intelligence Curriculum Facilitators Certifications.

Wellbeing Research Cited.

A growing body of research has explored the effects of mindfulness-based practices, such as meditation and yoga, on psychological well-being.

These studies have demonstrated that these practices can have positive effects on mood, stress levels, and overall well-being (Brown & Ryan, 2003).

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) has also been found to be effective in promoting well-being, particularly for individuals with depression and anxiety (Cuijpers et al., 2013).

Positive interpersonal connections with loved ones, friends, and romantic interests are crucial for psychological health (Frederick & Loewenstein, 1999). These connections give people emotional support, a sense of community, and support for happiness and wellbeing (Peterson & Seligman, 2004).

An individual's overall assessment of their life and their emotions of joy and fulfilment are referred to as life satisfaction (Diener et al., 1985). It is regarded as being essential to well-being since it is intimately correlated with one's sense of meaning and purpose in life (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000).

Odidison. B. Joyce (2021). WIS Method: An Inclusive Wellness Competency Teaching and Coaching Framework. A Wellness System Approach to Psychological Safety and DEI Conflict Management at Work.

Clifton, J., & Harter, J. K. (2021). Wellbeing at work: how to build resilient and thriving teams. New York, NY, Gallup Press.

Daniels, K. (2022). Achieving sustainable workplace wellbeing.